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Writer's pictureEli Schnell

Why do You Remain?

Updated: Jan 16, 2023

When the apostle Paul wrote the letter to the Philippians, he was imprisoned by the Romans. During his imprisonment, he shared the gospel with anyone who would listen. Even the guards understood that Paul was imprisoned because of his dedication to the gospel (Phil. 1:12-13). Paul showed little concern over his life, choosing instead to emphasize the spread of the gospel and his usefulness to God through life or death.

In Philippians 1:21, Paul wrote what has appeared on religious banners and clothing for many years: “For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.” It is a catchy line, but Paul did not intend to lose its gravity through casual use. When Paul wrote this sentence, death was not necessarily a far-off event. Paul recognized he might soon die for his faith in Christ.

Paul accepted the possibility of death and welcomed the reward he would receive after it, but he also recognized that he had a purpose on this earth. Paul was helping the churches grow spiritually, and he knew that God had plenty left to accomplish through him for the benefit of the church. Paul emphasized this point in Philippians 1:25, saying, “Convinced of this, I know that I will remain and continue with you all for your progress and joy in the faith….”

You are not dead yet. God has a purpose for every person who remains on this earth. If you are a faithful Christian, that means that God has work left to do through your faithfulness, and you need to keep walking in His will so that He can accomplish it. If you are a Christian who has fallen into sin, God has kept you alive today to allow you to return to Him in repentance. If you have not obeyed the gospel, God has given you this day to consider Jesus, repent of your sins, and be reconciled to God through baptism in the name of Jesus. Consider your life and relationship with God, and use your time wisely.

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